Tag Archives: sovereignty

Eaten Seed Corn Moon

Sovereignty Seed Company ©

Sovereignty Seed Company©

“Sovereignty Seed Company” works on the premise that “freedom is priceless and seeds are free”. The ideas and art are yours for a small donation and the seeds are free. I am collecting donations using my artwork and generic seeds to support Chamber of Commons, Commons Sense Sovereignty and other projects while making the following educational and political statement:
“The ability to grow our own safe food supply is the key component in our sovereignty as a people and as a nation. Years ago the world abandoned the gold standard, and the dollar as the anchor for world economics is looking shaky. The seed is the first and last real method of exchange. So if you agree that seeds are sovereign and can be exchanged as currency, then participating in the devaluation of tainted GMO seeds can have an impact.
Through seed exchanges and creativity sharing we can flood the market with free, open pollinated seeds and at least be a small thorn in the side of Monsanto, Syngenta and their ilk while raising awareness of the precarious danger of allowing the corporate elite to modify, engineer, patent, hoard, make binding and threatening contracts and generally put the whole world over the food barrel by tampering and creating a monopoly on the most sacred thing we own in common.”
~Catie Faryl


Call me at (541) 488-9223 for more info, to donate seeds or make donations
Sovereignty Seed Company © October 2013

Eaten Seed Corn Moon

Eaten Seed Corn Moon