Shrine to Lost Pollinators

Summer of Dark Science

Shrine to Lost Pollinators

When the 4th of July fireworks go on sale, it’s easy to tell what’s
on people’s minds. Last year there were world globe fireworks to
blow up and this year a $59 (!) Mad Scientist’s Lab called “Dark
Science” to purchase and explode. People are suspicious of science
and technology and need to be especially leery of the petro-chemical
industry. Chemicals used to keep insects in check enter the food
chain and cause illness and death to many species, including humans.
Chemicals to keep gardens beautiful flow into storm drains and cause
much ugliness in the oceans and on the lands, both tame and wild.
Study of chemical-free living and ways to substitute clean, safe and
non-toxic products for poisonous ones should be required education
for all generations.