In this collection of old, dead things there’s plenty of bad feng shui and also the remains of extinct species. In the turn of the 19th
century, exploration and the study of nature were passionate manias. We who live at the millennium of the 20th century have witnessed
and caused the mindless destruction of our land, our water supplies and our fellow beings. Our lack of stewardship for the planet needs
to be addressed immediately. The obsolescence of the penny and the diminishment of the dollar have sad forebodings for our future. So
much folk wisdom is connected to our currency – look at the lessons the penny and dollar offer us:
A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned, A Penny for your Thoughts,
Pennies from Heaven, Finding a Penny is a blessing from an
Angel, Penny on the Dollar, Penny-wise and Pound Foolish, a
Day Late and a Dollar Short, Henny Penny?
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