“Luck, Fortune, Fate” Collection
“The Fates”
Watercolor & carbon pencil
In ancient Greek mythology the Fates personified destiny. Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis measured it and Altropos cut the final thread as a metaphor for fortune & fate, life & death.
Watercolor print
“If Wishes were Horses……”
“Using a Web for a Net”
It is wise to make sure when you’re doing something daring that you have a good back-up plan. If you don’t have a support system or a way to catch yourself, it might be a smart thing to put a plan into place. Using a web for a net is OK if you’re a nimble spider, but if you’re a fly, or worse yet a wingless creature, having something substantial to catch you or to break your fall is a smart move!
“Fracture, Failure, Folly”
“The Puppet Man of Seattle”
Oil Painting
Ink monotype/collage
“Black Swan Event”
Watercolor Monotype
“Imp of Impermanence”
Oil Painting
No one knows what the future will bring. Life is like a juggling act. We try to keep it all going then on occasion we drop the ball. Nothing last forever but trying to keep things in balance while facing the knowledge that the only constant is change shows honorable effort.
“Straw into Gold”
Copper plate etching
Ink monotype/collage
“Lady Luck”
To purchase artwork, contact Catie by email or phone at 541-530-8454